Jerry suggested a person be designated to take photo's throughout the year at IGA meetings and other conferences of interest to the IGA . We would like to have a collection of pictures to display at future meetings and on the web. Kelly Warner volunteered to start the photo collection. All members are encouraged to help Kelly either by taking photos at upcoming events or by sending existing photos (paper or electronic).
Colin Booth reported the student grants applications have been sent out and he suggested extending the deadline. The applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Susie Dodd read the treasurer's report and has made arrangements for the bank account and pertinent papers to be transferred to the new treasurer, Terry Dixon, after all checks have cleared the account in Champaign.
There was a discussion on the fall meeting location. Susie suggested the Aviation Museum at the old Chaunte Air force Base in Rantoul, Illinois. She and Bev Herzog volunteered to check out the facilities and the possibility of a field trip. Any other suggestions for the fall meeting are more than welcome, but should be made very soon so arrangements can be made. It was also suggested that the IGA spring meeting next year be held in Southern Illinois with the possibility of a joint meeting with Missouri or the Kentucky Ground-Water Association. Please let us know what you think of this suggestion.
Once again Erik Spande has done an outstanding job putting the newsletter together and getting it out to all the members. His time and efforts are greatly appreciated.
The last item brought up for discussion was the web page. The web page will be moving to a different server at the ISWS, but no interruption in service is expected. The web address will remain the same ( It was noted that an e-mail mailing list needs to be compiled. To help this task along, we would like e-mail addresses for all members and will be continuing to collect this information on the registration forms for the fall 1999 meeting. Newsletters, bulletins, and other information could be posted on the web or sent via e-mail which would decrease our mailing costs. Please send Susie Dodd your current address, telephone number and e-mail address so a more current mailing list can be made.
Since there wasn't an official spring meeting this year, don't forget to pay your yearly dues. They can be mailed to the following address:
Mr. Terance Dixon
Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
7615 North Harker Dr.
Peoria, Il 61615