Upcoming Events / Latest Information
See the meetings page for information about our next meeting location and date.
See below for past IGA events and meetings.
October 4, 2007 / Fall Meeting at NIU - Naperville Campus | ||
The fall IGA meeting was held Thursday, October 4, 2007 at the Northern Illinois University-Naperville campus in Naperville, Illinois and featured presentations about:
Abstracts from the talks have been posted to the meetings page. |
March 28, 2007 / Spring Meeting at University of Illinois | ||
The spring 2007 Illinois Groundwater Association meeting was held March 28, 2007 at the University of Illinois Levis Faculty Center in Urbana, Illinois. Thanks to the speakers, honorees, and attendees who contributed and made this a timely and substantive meeting. Amendments concerning the removal of selected term limits and increasing dues to $25/year (effective January 1, 2008) were both passed. See the spring 2007 newsletter for a description of the meeting. Abstracts have been posted on the meetings page. | ||
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University of Illinois - Levis Faculty Center | ||
October 10, 2006 / Fall Meeting at NIU | ||
The fall IGA meeting
was held Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois in the Skyroom on the 16th floor of the Holmes Student Center. The abstracts are now available. The meeting featured presentations about
Northern Illinois University - Holmes Student Center | ||
April 18, 2006 / Spring Meeting at Starved Rock | ||
The spring IGA meeting was held Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at the Starved Rock Lodge and Conference Center in Utica, Illinois. Our thanks to all the presenters and attendees who made it a very informative and enjoyable meeting. The final agenda and abstracts (file size: 66 Kb, format: pdf) are now available. | ||
October 27, 2005 / Fall Meeting at Morton Arboretum | ||
The Fall IGA meeting was held Thursday, October 27, 2005 at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois. Final meeting details were released in the updated IGA meeting announcement. Thank you to all of the speakers and attendees who made this a great meeting. The Thornhill Education Center at Morton Arboretum was a wonderful venue and the catering was top notch. If you missed the meeting or want to look up details about the presentations, abstracts will be available on the meetings page. | ||
Photo 1. (l to r) Al Wehrmann, Bill Dixon, Bruce Hensel, and Don Keefer take a moment to catch up during a break. (larger image) | Photo 2. Thornhill Education Center at Morton Arboretum, site of the 2005 Fall IGA meeting. (larger image) | Photo 3. Maria Lemke of the Nature Conservancy discusses effectiveness of best management practices. (larger image) |
April 26, 2005 / Spring Meeting in Normal, Illinois | ||
2005 Spring meeting was at the Illinois State University Bone
Student Center in Normal, Illinois. We had a great program including
discussions of a new advanced water treatment system in West Chicago,
the Illinois Basin Hydrologic Study, the McHenry County Groundwater
Resource Plan, Great Lakes Water Management Initative, and much more.
Additional details are available in the Spring 2005 abstracts.
Note on CEUs:The spring meeting agenda was reviewed by the Illinois Department of Public Health and met the training requirements for local health department water program personnel as specified in the Local Health Department Grant Protection Rules, Section 615.320 (c) (2). We will continue to offer CEUs for future meetings. |
February 15-16, 2005 / IGA Co-Sponsored Conference | ||
IGA co-sponsored the Straddling the Divide conference on February 15-16,
2005 at Merchandise Mart in Chicago. The conference enhanced the understanding
of both policy makers and the technical community through invited talks
in two tracks:
Policy Track: Geared towards municipalities, counties and regional planning agencies. Emphasis was on water supply planning and decision making for communities not receiving Lake Michigan water or using both Lake Michigan and other water sources.For more information visit the conference website or contact Doug Walker . |
November 17, 2004 / Fall Meeting at Fermi National Laboratory | ||
The IGA fall meeting was held at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois on November 17, 2004. During the meeting, Ed Mehnert (Past Chair) and Sara Williams (Secretary) were recognized for their years of service. The full program included talks from a wide variety of speakers. See the final agenda and abstracts for details. Many thanks to the speakers, attendees, and Paul Kesich at Fermilab for hosting this lively meeting. | ||
1. Randy Locke, 2004 IGA chair, presents Sara Williams with
an award at the Fall 2004 meeting in appreciation of her service as
IGA Secretary. (larger image) Photo 2. At the end of the meeting, attendees were able to visit the top floor of Wilson Hall to take in the sights and get an overview of research conducted at Fermilab. (larger image) |
April 22, 2004 / Great program and turn out at the Spring Meeting | ||
The IGA spring meeting at Starved Rock Lodge on April 22, 2004 was a great success. Even though the technical program was shorter than usual, the quality of talks was very good, attendance was strong and so far this year we've had 32 first-time members join. Many thanks to the speakers, all attendees, and to Bob Vaiden and Sallie Greenberg of the Illinois State Geological Survey for the facinating tour of the park. It's no wonder -- this is one of the Association's favorite places to meet. | ||
Photo 1. Bob Vaiden orients field trip participants at the Spring 2004 IGA Meeting in Utica, Illinois. (larger image) | Photo 2. Students walk around one of the falls in the Ottawa-Kaskaskia canyon area in Starved Rock State Park. (larger image) | |