The IGA offers small grants to partially support student research on groundwater or related topics. Applications are evaluated on the basis of scientific merit, capability of the applicant, and the level of requested funding as it relates to the proposed work. These grants are open to any graduate or undergraduate student registered at an accredited Illinois college or university. A condition of the grant is that grant recipients present the findings of their research at an IGA meeting.
The IGA offers small grants to partially support middle and high school student research into groundwater-related projects. Awards will be made on the basis of applications, which are competitively evaluated. Applications will be evaluated for the merit of the proposed project or work, the completeness of the proposal, the capability of the student investigator and teaching leader, and the reasonableness of the requested funding relative to the proposed work. The number and size of the awards will be at the discretion of the IGA Executive Committee. A condition of the grant is that grant recipients present the findings of their research at an IGA meeting.
NOTE: Applications must be postmarked by
the 2nd Friday of November and the 4th Friday in April
for consideration during the fall and spring cycles, respectively. For more information, see the University application or the Middle and High School application, or contact the IGA Grants Coordinator, Melissa Lenczewski .
Year | Awardee | Title | Amount | |
2023 fall |
Jessica Ho, B.S. student, Northern Illinois University |
$995 for sample analysis | |
2022 fall |
Laura Rossana Fracica Gonzalez, M.S. student, Northern Illinois University |
$1,000 for Travel | |
2022 fall |
Okiemute Commander, M.S. student, Illinois State University |
$1,000 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2022 fall |
Jennifer Abel, M.S. student, Northern Illinois University |
$1,000 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2020 fall |
Xian Lim, B.S. student, Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
$1,000 (returned $920) for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2020 spring |
Alyssa Graveline, M.S. student, Northern Illinois University |
$650 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2020 spring |
Abigail Heath, M.S. student, Illinois State University |
$750 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2019 spring |
Patience Bosompemaa, M.S. student, Illinois State University |
$1,000 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2018 fall |
Washington Community Science Club, Team of High School Students |
$216 for lab teaching resources | |
2018 fall |
Joseph M. Krienert, Ph.D. student, Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
$745 ($200 returned) for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2018 spring |
Andrew Oberhelman, M.S. student, Illinois State University |
Chloride dynamics in an urban-agricultural stream | $1,000 for field sampling and lab analyses costs | |
2017 spring |
Danielle Goetter , B.S. student, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville |
$500 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2016 fall |
Joe Miller, M.S. student, Illinois State University |
$1,000 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2016 spring |
Reevaluating Contaminant Transport from a Coal Mine into the Henry Aquifer: Gallatin County, IL | $872 for field travel and lab analysis sampling costs | |
Sonny Devita, M.S., Northern Illinois University | Geophysical Characterization of a Slag-Filled Marsh in Chicago, IL | $982 for vairous research costs | ||
Mahawa-Essa Mabossanu Akara, M.S., Illinois State University | Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Water Table in Response to Tile Diversion in a Riparian Buffer | $320 for various research costs | ||
Lucas P. Chabela, , M.S., Illinois State University |
$700 for various research costs | ||
Nick Lamkey, B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Saline Valley Conservancy District Well Relocation | $600 for field travel and software licencing | ||
$1,000 for various research costs | ||
2015 fall |
Lindsey Weinholtz, B.S. student, Southern Illinois University |
Degradation of perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA) in Illinois groundwater by metallic nanoparticles | $958 for lab analyses and field sampling costs | |
2015 spring |
Tamru Girma Taye, MS student, Illinois State University |
The effectiveness of a herbaceous riparian zone in removing nitrate from a redirected distribution tile | $950 for field supplies, chemical analyses & travel to field site | |
Tia Willens, Ms Student, Northern Illinois University, |
Zachary Kisfalusi, MS Student, Illinois State University | The effects of tile drain input on a gaining stream: Using a statistical analysis approach vs a 2D thermal model | $500 field supplies and travel to field site | ||
2014 Fall |
Alicia O'Hare, MS student, Illinois State University |
Determining the effect of physical characteristics of storm sewer sheds on water quality | $750 for chemical analyses | |
Katelyn A. Kane, MS student, Northern Illinois University |
Nachusa Grasslands bison rehabilitation project effects to groundwater system due to the reintroduction of bison. | $750 for field supplies, chemical analyses & travel to field site | ||
2014 spring |
Magdalena Gorczynska, MS student, Southern Illinois University |
A post audit on a brine contaminated shallow aquifer applying geochemical analysis, resistivity measurements, and numerical modeling in southern Bond County, IL | $500 for field and lab supplies | |
Kathryn A. Quesnell, MS student, Northern Illinois University |
Tracing creosote groundwater contamination through slag waste in a hyper-alkaline environmental, Chicago, IL | $500 for DNA isolation kit | ||
2013 spring |
Alissa James ,
MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
A microcosm study into fluctuations of denitrification rates within the hyporheic zone | $500 | |
2012 spring |
Clinton R. Bailey, M.S. student, Northern Illinois University, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb |
Determining the source water of the Nachusa Grasslands' sand boil flow network via geochemical and stable isotope techniques | $500 for field and lab supplies | |
2011 fall |
Laura Hanna, M.S. student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Quantifying Hormone Removal from Groundwater Seepage Out of a Constructed Wetland Receiving Wastewater Effluent. | $500 for field and lab supplies | |
Ryan Cox, M.S. student, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale |
A Model of Groundwater Contaminant Transport in the Henry Formation Alluvial Aquifer, Gallatin County, Illinois. | $500 for field supplies | ||
2010 fall |
Randi Liescheidt, M.S. student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Using O and H Isotopes to Trace Sources of Groundwater in Constructed Wetlands. | $500 for field supplies | |
Derek Hartmann, M.S. student, Bradley University, Peoria |
Anoxic Rotating Biological Contactors for Achievement of Denitrification. | $500 for field and lab supplies | ||
2009 fall |
Jessica Ackerman, MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Quantifying nutrient removal from groundwater seepage out of a constructed wetlands receiving wastewater effluent. | $500 for field supplies | |
Karel Waska, Ph.D. student, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | Remediation of heavy metals polluted soils in extremely alkaline environment (pH >12) at Lake Calumet wetlands. | $500 for remediation column supplies | ||
2009 spring |
Hridaya Bastola,
MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Identification of preferential pathways for hyporheic flow using bromide tracing as a parallel study on the effects of seasonal temperature variation on the temperature profile of the streambed. | $500 for analytical costs | |
Benjamin Maas,
MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Short term investigation of spatial and temporal changes in water quality of the Driftless Area in Northwest Illinois. | $500 for analytical costs | ||
2008 spring |
Carol Glennon,
MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Evaluating the role of sinuosity in the removal of nitrate from Little Kickapoo Creek | $500 for analytical costs | |
Andrew Greenhagen,
MS student, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences,
DeKalb |
Fate and transport of pharmaceuticals in soil and groundwater | $500 for constructing laboratory columns | ||
2007 fall |
Joyce Harris,
MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal |
Recovery of hyporheic function in modified agricultural streams over time, Headwaters of the Mackinaw River, Illinois, USA | $500 | |
2007 spring |
Kathleen Giambeluca,
BS student Augustana College |
Assessment of prevalence of heavy metal concentration at Giant Goose Conservation Education Workshop, Fort Atkinson, IL | $500 for analytical costs | |
John E. Keller, PhD student, SIU, Department of Geology, Carbondale | Investigation of the theoretical and practical applications of the direct push permeameter (DPP) methodology on the determination of hydraulic conductivity | $500 for software and field travel |
Samantha Lax, MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal | Creating a model to predict stream chloride concentrations resulting from change in land use | $500 for analytical costs | ||
Lisa Rauh, BS student, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | A hydrogeologic site investigation of the former Monarch Foundary, Plano, IL | $500 for field supplies & analytical costs | ||
Dominic Strezo, MS student, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal | The role of beaver dams on hyporheic processes and the quantification of nitrogen across the associated looping flowpaths | $500 for analytical costs | ||
2006 |
Anirban Basu, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal | Quantifying nitrogen cycling between groundwater and surface water using numerical modeling and mass flux calculations | $500 | |
Kristine Karuhn, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | Impacts of high-density septic systems on surface and groundwater quality and quantity | $500 | ||
Samuel Gillet, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | Field-based estimation and characterization of shallow aquifer recharge in DeKalb County: A pre-urbanization baseline study | $450 | |
Katrina Hall, SIU, Department of Geology, Carbondale | Surfactant enhanced remediation of a LNAPL spill | $500 | ||
2004 |
Kathleen Bryant, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Halogenated Compounds on the Chemistry and Matrix Structure of Clays in Northern Illinois | $295 | |
Amy Schwarz, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, DeKalb | Site Characterization of Two Southeast Rockford, Illinois Sites Contaminated with Chlorinated Solvents and Heavy Metals | $400 | ||
Cole Bertsch, NEIU, Department of Earth Science, Chicago | Comparison of Chemical and Hydrogeologic Properties of Groundwater Extracted from Hollow-Stem Auger and Direct Push Monitoring Wells | $400 | ||
2003 |
Becky A. Ciske, NEIU, Department of Earth Science, Chicago | A Study of the Effects of Precipitation on Methane Production and its Relationship with the Chemical Composition of Leachate at a Landfill Site | $300 | |
Diane M. Lamb, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal | A Study of Nitrate Transport in the Vadose Zone in a Central Illinois Agricultural Area | $300 | ||
Steven Kroll, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Influence of Oxygenates on the Fate and Transport of BTEX Compounds in Fine Grained Soils | $300 | ||
2002 |
Rosa Leal-Bautista, NIU, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences | Sorption of MTBE on Clay-Rich Deposits in Northern Illinois | $300 | |
2001 |
No grants awarded | |||
2000 |
Allen Oertel, SIU, Department of Civil Engineering, Carbondale | Evaluation of Subsurface Dentrification Potential at a Biosolids Disposal Site | $200 | |
1999 |
Craig Perciante, Wheaton College, Department of Geology, Wheaton | Hydrogeologic Characterization of the West Branch Fen of DuPage County | $200 | |
1998 |
No grants awarded | |||
1997 |
Matthew A. Barner, Wheaton College, Department of Geology, Wheaton | A Wellhead Protection Study for the Fisherman’s Inn Restaurant near Elburn, Illinois | $150 | |
Leo M. Kurylo, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Effects of Fluid Chemistry on Calcite Overgrowth Morphology | $100 | ||
John J. Noyes, NEIU, Department of Earth Science, Chicago | Electrokinetically Enhanced DNAPL Removal: Implications for Cleanup of Contaminated Soils | $200 | ||
1996 |
Kurt Kraske, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Movement and Evolution of Nitrogen Compounds in the Prairie Aquigroup and Alexandrian - Maquoketa Aquifer in Campton Township, Kane County, Illinois | $50 | |
Yanzhong Liang, U of I, Department of Geological Sciences, Chicago | Speciation and Complexation of Lead in Contaminated Surfaces and Ground Waters | $200 | ||
1995 |
Rebecca Reid, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Hydrogeological Characterization of Ground Water at a Wetland in Van Pattern Woods | $300 | |
Reynald De Castro, ISU, Department of Geography-Geology, Normal | Groundwater Chemistry Across a Buried Anticline in Douglas County, Illinois | $200 | ||
1994 |
Jinnan Ahou, U of I, Department of Civil Engineering, Chicago | Effect of Slug Hydrodynamic Efficiency on the Accuracy of Field Hydraulic Conductivity Tests in Highly Permeable Formations | $275 | |
Jacqueline N. Morrison, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Influence of Buried Bedrock Valleys in North-Central Illinois on Recharge and Groundwater Flow in the Prairie, Upper Bedrock and Midwest Bedrock Aquigroups | $350 | ||
Richard Poland, NEIU, Department of Earth Science, Chicago | Field Comparison of Three Methods of Measuring K in the Vadose Zone | $200 | ||
1993 |
Daina Hardisty, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater in Glacial Drift Aquifers in Northern Lake County, Illinois | $300 | |
Timothy A. McDonald, SIU, Department of Geology, Carbondale | Guelph Permeameter Variability and Development of an Inexpensive Automated, Modified Guelph Permeameter | $300 | ||
1992 |
Sandra L. Kubilus, NEIU, Department of Earth Science, Chicago | Hydrology of Lake Michigan Tributary, Lake County, Illinois | $250 | |
1991 |
Ray , U of I, Department of Civil Engineering, Urbana |
Solute Transport in a Dual Porosity System Resulting from Plant Roots, Root Channels, and Other Macropores | $210 | |
1990 |
Edward Mehnert, U of I, , Department of Civil Engineering, Urbana | Aquifer Characterization Using Earth Tide Response in Wells | $200 | |
Georgia G. Brown, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Geology of an Illinois Riverine Wetland Complex | $230 | ||
1989 |
Martin C. Keeley, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Mallard North Landfill, Fractured Clay Cover Study | $200 | |
Elaine C. Schwartz, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | The Ground Water Flow Regime and the Extent of Agricultural Contamination in DeKalb County, Illinois | $200 | ||
1988 |
Paula Sanford, U of I, Department of Geology, Chicago | Groundwater Movement near a Small Pond | $230 | |
Erik D. Spande, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Impacts of Subsurface Coal Mining on Local and Regional Groundwater Flow in the Illinois Basin | $200 (declined after receiving research grant) | ||
1987 |
Pamela A. Aubuchon, SIU, Department of Geology, Carbondale | A Geophysical and Hydrogeologic Investigation of an Oil-Field Brine Plume located in Western Saline County, Illinois | $200 | |
Bethany C. Price, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Infiltration and Leachate Production at a Landfill in Northeastern Illinois | $210 | ||
David A Schumacher, NIU, Department of Geology, DeKalb | Groundwater Flow through the Galena and Platteville Groups in DeKalb and Kane Counties, Illinois | $295 |